College Basketball Spec Sheet

(All archive stats back to 2001/02 season unless noted)


Name             Type        Description

Date               Date		Date of game
Time               Time         Gametime(all times Eastern)  02/03 season
Away               Text    	Away team
Home               Text    	Home team
H1Awayscore        Numeric  	Away team 1st half score
H2Awayscore        Numeric  	Away team 2nd half score
OTAwayscore        Numeric 	Away team overtime score
H1Homescore        Numeric  	Home team 1st half score
H2Homescore        Numeric  	Home team 2nd half score
OTHomescore        Numeric  	Home team overtime score
Awayscore          Numeric  	Away team score
Homescore          Numeric  	Home team score
OT                 Numeric  	Number of OT periods    02/03
Neutral            Logical 
Neutral2           Logical 
Roadadv            Logical 
These three fields are related.  There are four possible combinations.
Neutral/False, Neutral2/False, Roadadv/False– Game played at home teams main site.
Neutral/True, Neutral2/False, Roadav/False– Game played at home teams 2nd site.
  (Ex: St Johns normal site is Carnesecca Arena, 2nd site is Madison Square Garden)
Neutral/True, Neutral2/True, Roadav/False – Game played at a neutral site.
Neutral/True, Neutral2/True, Roadadv/True – Game played at a neutral site that 
  heavily favors one team.  (Ex: Indiana playing UCLA at Conseco Fieldhouse.  
  Indiana would be listed as the home team.)
Openspr            Numeric      Opening line
Openfav            Text        	Opening favorite(H-Home, A-Away, E-Pkem)
Opentot            Numeric  	Opening total
Openhml            Numeric   	Opening home team moneyline   08/09
Spread             Numeric   	Closing line
Favored            Text        	Closing favorite(see Openfav above)
Total              Numeric      Closing total
HomeML             Numeric     	Closing home moneyline   08/09
Openh1Spr          Numeric    	Opening 1st half line   05/06
Openh1Fav          Text     	Opening 1st half favorite(see Openfav above) 05/06
Openh1Sprodds      Numeric    	Opening 1st half line odds(+/- odds)  05/06
Openh1Tot          Numeric   	Opening 1st half total   05/06
Openh1Totou        Text       	Opening 1st half total odds lean(O-Over, U-under, 
                                 or blank)   05/06
Openh1Totodds      Numeric 	Opening 1st half total odds(always -)   05/06
Openh1ML           Numeric      Opening 1st half home team moneyline   08/09
Half1Spr           Numeric     	Closing 1st half line   05/06
Half1Fav           Text        	Closing 1st half favorite(see Openfav above) 05/06
Half1Sprodds       Numeric      Closing 1st half line odds(+/- odds)   05/06
Half1Tot           Numeric     	Closing 1st half total   05/06
Half1Totou         Numeric      Closing 1st half total odds lean(O-Over, U-Under, 
                                 or blank)   05/06
Half1Totodds       Numeric    	Closing 1st half total odds(always -)   05/06
Half2Spr           Numeric    	Closing 2nd half line   05/06
Half2Fav           Text         Closing 2nd half fav(see Openfav above)  05/06
Half2Sprodds       Numeric    	Closing 2nd half line odds(+/- odds)   05/06
Half2Tot           Numeric    	Closing 2nd half total   05/06
Half2Totou         Text        	Closing 2nd half total odds lean(O-Over, U-Under, 
                                 or blank)   05/06
Half2Totodds       Numeric      Closing 2nd half total odds(always -)   05/06
Conf               Logical 	True-Conf game, False-Non-Conf game
                                 Note: Conf tourney games will be listed as N-Conf
                                 to keep them separate from regular season games.
                                 They also have their own field.
Desc               Text       	Description, if applicable.  Examples would be the
                                 name of a tournament, postseason games, etc.
Site               Text         Arena name(blank if home arena.  Listed either
					name, host school, or city)
ConfTourn          Logical 	True-Conf tourney game
ConfName           Text    	If conference or conference tourney game, abbrev*
                                 of conference.
ConfChanp          Logical 	True-Conf tourney title game
HConfSeed          Text     	Home team conf tourney seed(if applicable)
                                 Note:It is a text field since some conferences 
                                 (ex SEC) list seeds as E1 and W1 for divisions.
AConfSeed          Text     	Away team conf tourney seed(if applicable, see 
NCAA               Logical 	True-NCAA tourney game
NIT                Logical 	True-NIT game
CBI                Logical 	True-CBI game
CIT                Logical	True-CIT game
HNCAASeed          Numeric     	Home teams NCAA tourney seed(if applicable)
HNCAARegion        Text         Home teams NCAA tourney region(if applicable)
                                 E-East, M-Midwest, S-South, W-West
ANCAASeed          Numeric   	Away teams NCAA tourney seed(if applicable)
ANCAARegion        Text      	Away teams NCAA tourney region(if applicable, see 
HFGM               Numeric   	Home teams FG’s made(includes 3 point FGM)
AFGM               Numeric      Away teams FG’s made(includes 3 point FGM)
HFGA               Numeric      Home teams FG’s attempted(includes 3 point FGA)
AFGA               Numeric      Away teams FG’s attempted(includes 3 point FGA)
H3PTM              Numeric      Home teams 3 point FG’s made
A3PTM              Numeric      Away teams 3 point FG’s made
H3PTA              Numeric      Home teams 3 point FG’s attempted
A3PTA              Numeric      Away teams 3 point FG’s attempted
HFTM               Numeric      Home teams FT’s made
AFTM               Numeric      Away teams FT’s made
HFTA               Numeric      Home teams FT’s attempted
AFTA               Numeric      Away teams FT’s attempted
HOREB              Numeric      Home teams offensive rebounds
AOREB              Numeric      Away teams offensive rebounds
HDREB              Numeric      Home teams defensive rebounds
ADREB              Numeric      Away teams defensive rebounds           
HTO                Numeric      Home teams turnovers
ATO                Numeric      Away teams turnovers
HBLOCK             Numeric      Home teams blocked shots
ABLOCK             Numeric      Away teams blocked shots
HSTEAL             Numeric      Home teams steals
ASTEAL             Numeric      Away teams steals
HASSIST            Numeric      Home teams assists
AASSIST            Numeric      Away teams assists
HPFOUL             Numeric      Home teams personal fouls
APFOUL             Numeric      Away teams personal fouls
HD1W               Numeric      Home teams Division 1 wins only
HD1L               Numeric      Home teams Division 1 losses only
AD1W               Numeric      Away teams Division 1 wins only
AD1L               Numeric      Away teams Division 1 losses only
HRPI               Numeric      Home teams RPI
HSOS               Numeric      Home teams SOS
ARPI               Numeric      Away teams RPI
ASOS               Numeric      Away teams SOS
(Note:  RPI and SOS may be a little different than the “official” ratings, but 
they will actually be more realistic for a couple reasons.  The NCAA has no rules 
in how they account for off site games.  Sometimes they call them home games if a 
team is close to home, sometimes they won’t.  Since they don’t tell, you have to 
guess.  For example, Mich St playing N Carolina in Detroit.  It isn’t really a home 
game but the NCAA counts it as a home game.  It isn’t really a neutral game either.  
I count it in between those two.  In the data above, it would be a RoadAdv game for 
Mich St.  Also, they don’t count Div 1 transitional teams.  I count them as soon as 
they play a Div 1 schedule since it can be quantified.  That changes the SOS slightly 
which changes the RPI as well.  It makes for a better RPI.  Playing Seattle U, a 
transitional team in 2009/10, is better than playing Tex Pan American.  They should be 
counted if they are playing a Div 1 schedule.  The calculations for RPI and SOS are
exactly the same method they use, the numbers are just slightly better.


*- Conference abbreviations

A10-Atlantic Ten      ACC-Atlantic Coast             AE -American East

ATS-Atlantic Sun      B10-Big 10                     B12-Big 12

BE -Big East          BSO-Big South                  BSY-Big Sky

BWE-Big West          COL-Colonial                   HOR-Horizon

IND-Independents      IVY-Ivy                        MAA-Mid-Atlantic Athletic

MAC-Mid-American      MEC-Mid-Eastern Athletic       MTN-Mountain West

MVC-Missouri Valley   NEC-Northeast                  OVC-Ohio Valley

P10-Pac 10            PAT-Patriot                    SBC-Sun Belt

SEC-Southeastern      SOT-Southland                  SOU-Southern

SUM-Summit            SWC-Southwestern Athletic      USA-Conf USA

WAC-Western Athletic  WCC-West Coast