MLB Spec Sheet

(All archive stats back to 2001 unless noted)


Name             Type        Description

Date               Date         Date of game
Time               Time         Gametime(all times Eastern)   2006
Away               Text         Away team
Home               Text         Home team
I1Ascore           Numeric      Away team 1st inning score
I2Ascore           Numeric      Away team 2nd inning score
I3Ascore           Numeric      Away team 3rd inning score
I4Ascore           Numeric      Away team 4th inning score
I5Ascore           Numeric      Away team 5th inning score
I6Ascore           Numeric      Away team 6th inning score
I7Ascore           Numeric      Away team 7th inning score
I8Ascore           Numeric      Away team 8th inning score
I9Ascore           Numeric      Away team 9th inning score
I0Ascore           Numeric      Away team extra innings score
I1Hscore           Numeric      Home team 1st inning score
I2Hscore           Numeric      Home team 2nd inning score
I3Hscore           Numeric      Home team 3rd inning score
I4Hscore           Numeric      Home team 4th inning score
I5Hscore           Numeric      Home team 5th inning score
I6Hscore           Numeric      Home team 6th inning score
I7Hscore           Numeric      Home team 7th inning score
I8Hscore           Numeric      Home team 8th inning score
I9Hscore           Numeric      Home team 9th inning score
I0Hscore           Numeric      Home team extra innings score
Awayscore          Numeric      Away team score
Homescore          Numeric      Home team score
ExtraInn           Logical      True-Extra innings
Neutral            Logical      True-Neutral site
Gamenum            Numeric	Most will be 1.  2=2nd game of DH
Day                Logical      True-Day game
                                 Note: Day games are considered any game starting 
                                 before 6PM local time.
Grass              Logical      True-Grass surface, False-Turf
Outdoor            Logical      True-Outdoor, False-Indoors
Openmon            Numeric      Opening moneyline(always +)    2003
Openfav            Text         Opening moneyline favorite(H-Home, A-Away)
Opentot            Numeric      Opening total
Opentotou          Text         Opening total odds lean(O-Over, U-Under)
Opentotodd         Numeric      Opening total odds(always -)
Money              Numeric      Closing moneyline(always +)
Favored            Numeric      Closing moneyline favorite(H-Home, A-Away)
Total              Numeric      Closing total
Totalou            Text         Closing total odds lean(O-Over, U-Under)
Totalodd           Numeric      Closing total odds
Runline            Numeric      Closing runline   2002
RunlineFav         Text         Closing runline favorite(H-Home, A-Away)
RunlineOdds        Numeric      Closing runline odds
I5ML               Numeric      Closing 1st 5 inning odds   2009
I5Fav              Text         Closing 1st 5 inning favorite(H-Home, A-Away)
I5Tot              Numeric      Closing 1st 5 inning total
I5Totou            Text         Closing 1st 5 inning total odds lean(O-Over,
I5Totodd           Numeric      Closing 1st 5 inning total odds
I5RL               Numeric      Closing 1st 5 inning run line
I5RLFav            Numeric      Closing 1st 5 inning run line favorite
I5RLodd            Numeric      Closing 1st 5 inning run line odds
Playoffs           Logical      True-Playoffs, False-No playoff game
Desc               Text         Description, if applicable.
GameType           Text         Used to easily identify interleague play
                                 AD-AL div game, ND-NL div game
                                 AN-AL non-div game, NN-NL non-div game
                                 AI-Interleague game at AL park
                                 NI-Interleague game at NL park
                                 AP-AL playoff game, NP-NL playoff game
                                 AIP-World Series game at AL park
                                 NIP-World Series game at NL park
HStartF            Text         Home team starting pitcher, first name
HStartL            Text         Home team starting pitcher, last name
HHand              Text         R-Right handed starter, L-Left handed starter
AStartF            Text         Away team starting pitcher, first name
AStartL            Text         Away team starting pitcher, last name
AHand              Text         R-right handed starter, L-Left handed starter
HSIp               Numeric      Home starting pitcher innings pitched
HSHits             Numeric      Home starting pitcher hits allowed
HSRuns             Numeric      Home starting pitcher runs allowed
HSERuns            Numeric      Home starting pitcher earned runs allowed
HS2B               Numeric      Home starting pitcher doubles allowed
HS3B               Numeric      Home starting pitcher triples allowed
HSHR               Numeric      Home starting pitcher home runs allowed
HSWk               Numeric      Home starting pitcher walks allowed
HSK                Numeric      Home starting pitcher strikeouts
HSHB               Numeric      Home starting pitcher hit batters
HSPC               Numeric      Home starting pitcher pitch count
HSStrikes          Numeric      Home starting pitcher strikes thrown
HSBF               Numeric      Home starting pitcher batters faced
HSGB               Numeric      Home starting pitcher ground ball allowed
HSFB               Numeric      Home starting pitcher fly ball allowed
HSSF               Numeric      Home starting pitcher sac flies allowed
HSSH               Numeric      Home starting pitcher sac bunts allowed
					2005 (Prior seasons included in HSSF)
HSDP               Numeric      Home starting pitcher double plays induced 2005
                                 Note: Triple plays are included here  
HSIBB              Numeric      Home starting pitcher intentional walks allowed 2005
HSSB               Numeric      Home starting pitcher stolen bases allowed 2005
HSCS               Numeric      Home starting pitcher caught stealing involved 2005
HSWP               Numeric      Home starting pitcher wild pitches 2005
HSPB               Numeric      Home starting pitcher pass balls 2005
HSBalk             Numeric      Home starting pitcher balks 2005
HSRes              Numeric      Home starting pitcher result
                                 W-Win, L-Loss, Empty-No decision
HSNoteFlag         Text         Used if the home starting pitcher left the game 
					early due to something other than normal manager
					game situation.  I-Injury, E-Ejection, P-Pitch 
					count(only if it is a reduced count based on 
					injury or reliever moving into the rotation), 
					R-Rain or other delay, X-Other.   2005
HSNotes            Text         Field used for any description for HSNoteFlag 2006
ASIp               Numeric      Away starting pitcher innings pitched
ASHits             Numeric      Away starting pitcher hits allowed
ASRuns             Numeric      Away starting pitcher runs allowed
ASERuns            Numeric      Away starting pitcher earned runs allowed
AS2B               Numeric      Away starting pitcher doubles allowed
AS3B               Numeric      Away starting pitcher triples allowed
ASHR               Numeric      Away starting pitcher home runs allowed
ASWk               Numeric      Away starting pitcher walks allowed
ASK                Numeric      Away starting pitcher strikeouts
ASHB               Numeric      Away starting pitcher hit batters
ASPC               Numeric      Away starting pitcher pitch count
ASStrikes          Numeric      Away starting pitcher strikes thrown
ASBF               Numeric      Away starting pitcher batters faced
ASGB               Numeric      Away starting pitcher ground ball allowed
ASFB               Numeric      Away starting pitcher fly ball allowed
ASSF               Numeric      Away starting pitcher sac flies allowed
ASSH               Numeric      Away starting pitcher sac bunts allowed
					2005 (Prior seasons included in ASSF)
ASDP               Numeric      Away starting pitcher double plays induced 2005
                                 Note: Triple plays are included here
ASIBB              Numeric      Away starting pitcher intentional walks allowed 2005
ASSB               Numeric      Away starting pitcher stolen bases allowed 2005
ASCS               Numeric      Away starting pitcher caught stealing involved 2005
ASWP               Numeric      Away starting pitcher wild pitches 2005
ASPB               Numeric      Away starting pitcher pass balls 2005
ASBalk             Numeric      Away starting pitcher balks 2005
ASRes              Numeric      Away starting pitcher result
                                 W-Win, L-Loss, Empty-No decision
ASNoteFlag         Text         Used if the away starting pitcher left the game 
					early due to something other than normal manager 
					game situation.  I-Injury, E-Ejection, P-Pitch 
					count(only if it is a reduced count based on 
					injury or reliever moving into the rotation), 
					R-Rain or other delay, X-Other  2005
ASNotes            Text         Field used for any description for ASNoteFlag 2006
The fields below are used for long relief and short relief stats.  Long relief is
used for any relief pitching stats up thru the 7th inning.  Short relief is relief
pitching stats from the 8th inning on(including extra innings).  If a relief 
pitcher pitches the 7th & 8th innings, his 7th inning stats will be in the long 
relief fields and his 8th inning will be in the short relief field.  All splits
start in 2005.  Before 2005, all relief stats are in the long relief fields.  
All sacrifices(bunts and flies) are in the sac fly fields pre-2005.
LRIp               Numeric      Home long relief innings pitched
HLRHits            Numeric      Home long relief hits allowed
HLRRuns            Numeric      Home long relief runs allowed
HLRERuns           Numeric      Home long relief earned runs allowed
HLR2B              Numeric      Home long relief doubles allowed
HLR3B              Numeric      Home long relief triples allowed
HLRHR              Numeric      Home long relief home runs allowed
HLRWk              Numeric      Home long relief walks allowed
HLRK               Numeric      Home long relief strikeouts
HLRHB              Numeric      Home long relief hit batters
HLRPC              Numeric      Home long relief pitch count
HLRStrikes         Numeric      Home long relief strikes thrown
HLRBF              Numeric      Home long relief batters faced
HLRGB              Numeric      Home long relief ground ball allowed
HLRFB              Numeric      Home long relief fly ball allowed
HLRSF              Numeric      Home long relief sac flies allowed
HLRSH              Numeric      Home long relief sac bunts allowed
HLRDP              Numeric      Home long relief double plays induced 2005
                                 Note: Triple plays are included here
HLRIBB             Numeric      Home long relief intentional walks allowed 2005
HLRSB              Numeric      Home long relief stolen bases allowed 2005
HLRCS              Numeric      Home long relief caught stealing involved 2005
HLRWP              Numeric      Home long relief wild pitches 2005
HLRPB              Numeric      Home long relief pass balls 2005
HLRBalk            Numeric      Home long relief balks 2005
HLRRes             Numeric      Home long relief result
					 B-Blown Save
         X-2 blown saves
         1-Win & save
         2-Loss & blown save
         3-Win, save, and blown save
         4-Win, save, and 2 blown saves
         5-Win and 2 blown saves
         6-Loss and 2 blown saves
         7-Win and blown save
         8-Loss and 3 blown saves
         Note: Will add to this field if any other 
         combinations come up.  This field only represents
         this set of fields.  If a reliever pitches the 7th 
         inning is the winning pitcher and the closer gets 
         the save, W will be in the HLRRes field and S in
         the HSRes field.
ALRIp              Numeric      Away long relief innings pitched
ALRHits            Numeric      Away long relief hits allowed
ALRRuns            Numeric      Away long relief runs allowed
ALRERuns           Numeric      Away long relief earned runs allowed
ALR2B              Numeric      Away long relief doubles allowed
ALR3B              Numeric      Away long relief triples allowed
ALRHR              Numeric      Away long relief home runs allowed
ALRWk              Numeric      Away long relief walks allowed
ALRK               Numeric      Away long relief strikeouts
ALRHB              Numeric      Away long relief hit batters
ALRPC              Numeric      Away long relief pitch count
ALRStrikes         Numeric      Away long relief strikes thrown
ALRBF              Numeric      Away long relief batters faced
ALRGB              Numeric      Away long relief ground ball allowed
ALRFB              Numeric      Away long relief fly ball allowed
ALRSF              Numeric      Away long relief sac flies allowed
ALRSH              Numeric      Away long relief sac bunts allowed
ALRDP              Numeric      Away long relief double plays induced 2005
                                 Note: Triple plays are included here
ALRIBB             Numeric      Away long relief intentional walks allowed 2005
ALRSB              Numeric      Away long relief stolen bases allowed 2005
ALRCS              Numeric      Away long relief caught stealing involved 2005
ALRWP              Numeric      Away long relief wild pitches 2005
ALRPB              Numeric      Away long relief pass balls 2005
ALRBalk            Numeric      Away long relief balks 2005
ALRRes             Numeric      Away long relief result
					 B-Blown save
					 X-2 blown saves
					 1-Win & save
					 2-Loss & blown save
					 3-Win, save, and blown save
					 4-Win, save, and 2 blown saves
					 5-Win and 2 blown saves
					 6-Loss and 2 blown saves
					 7-Win and blown save
					 8-Loss and 3 blown saves
					 Note: Will add to this field if any other 
					 combinations come up.  This field only represents
					 this set of fields.  If a reliever pitches the 7th
					 inning is the winning pitcher and the closer gets
					 the save, W will be in the HLRRes field and S in 
					 the HSRes field.
Short relief splits start in 2005.  Before 2005, all relief stats are in the long 
relief fields.
HSRIp              Numeric      Home short relief innings pitched
HSRHits            Numeric      Home short relief hits allowed
HSRRuns            Numeric      Home short relief runs allowed
HSRERuns           Numeric      Home short relief earned runs allowed
HSR2B              Numeric      Home short relief doubles allowed
HSR3B              Numeric      Home short relief triples allowed
HSRHR              Numeric      Home short relief home runs allowed
HSRWk              Numeric      Home short relief walks allowed
HSRK               Numeric      Home short relief strikeouts
HSRHB              Numeric      Home short relief hit batters
HSRPC              Numeric      Home short relief pitch count
HSRStrikes         Numeric      Home short relief strikes thrown
HSRBF              Numeric      Home short relief batters faced
HSRGB              Numeric      Home short relief ground ball allowed
HSRFB              Numeric      Home short relief fly ball allowed
HSRSF              Numeric      Home short relief sac flies allowed
HSRSH              Numeric      Home short relief sac bunts allowed
HSRDP              Numeric      Home short relief double plays induced
                                 Note: Triple plays are included here
HSRIBB             Numeric      Home short relief intentional walks allowed
HSRSB              Numeric      Home short relief stolen bases allowed
HSRCS              Numeric      Home short relief caught stealing involved
HSRWP              Numeric      Home short relief wild pitches
HSRPB              Numeric      Home short relief pass balls
HSRBalk            Numeric      Home short relief balks
HSRRes             Numeric      Home short relief result
					 B-Blown save
					 X-2 blown saves
					 1-Win & save
					 2-Loss & blown save
					 3-Win, save, and blown save
					 4-Win, save, and 2 blown saves
					 5-Win and 2 blown saves
					 6-Loss and 2 blown saves
					 7-Win and blown save
					 8-Loss and 3 blown saves
					 Note: Will add to this field if any other	
					 combinations come up.  This field only represent
					 this set of fields.  If a reliever pitches the 7th
					 inning is the winning pitcher and the closer gets 
					 the save, W will be in the HLRRes field and S in 
					 the HSRes field.
ASRIp              Numeric      Away short relief innings pitched
ASRHits            Numeric      Away short relief hits allowed
ASRRuns            Numeric      Away short relief runs allowed
ASRERuns           Numeric      Away short relief earned runs allowed
ASR2B              Numeric      Away short relief doubles allowed
ASR3B              Numeric      Away short relief triples allowed
ASRHR              Numeric      Away short relief home runs allowed
ASRWk              Numeric      Away short relief walks allowed
ASRK               Numeric      Away short relief strikeouts
ASRHB              Numeric      Away short relief hit batters
ASRPC              Numeric      Away short relief pitch count
ASRStrikes         Numeric      Away short relief strikes thrown
ASRBF              Numeric      Away short relief batters faced
ASRGB              Numeric      Away short relief ground ball allowed
ASRFB              Numeric      Away short relief fly ball allowed
ASRSF              Numeric      Away short relief sac flies allowed
ASRSH              Numeric      Away short relief sac bunts allowed
ASRDP              Numeric      Away short relief double plays induced
	                   		 Note: Triple plays are included here
ASRIBB             Numeric      Away short relief intentional walks allowed
ASRSB              Numeric      Away short relief stolen bases allowed
ASRCS              Numeric      Away short relief caught stealing involved
ASRWP              Numeric      Away short relief wild pitches
ASRPB              Numeric      Away short relief pass balls
ASRBalk            Numeric      Away short relief balks
ASRRes             Numeric      Away short relief result
					 B-Blown save
					 X-2 blown saves
					 1-Win & save
					 2-Loss & blown save
					 3-Win, save, and blown save
					 4-Win, save, and 2 blown saves
					 5-Win and 2 blown saves
					 6-Loss and 2 blown saves
					 7-Win and blown save
					 8-Loss and 3 blown saves
					 Note: Will add to this field if any other 
					 combinations come up.  This field only represents
					 this set of fields.  If a reliever pitches the 7th 
					 inning is the winning pitcher and the closer gets 
					 the save, W will be in the HLRRes field and S in 
					 the HSRes field.
HAB                Numeric      Home teams at bats
AAB                Numeric      Away teams at bats
HLOB               Numeric	Home teams runners left on base
ALOB               Numeric	Away teams runners left on base
HErrors            Numeric	Home teams errors
AErrors            Numeric	Home teams errors
UmpireF            Text         Home plate umpire, first name 2002
UmpireL            Text         Home plate umpire, last name 2002
RT                 Numeric      Home runs to right field July 2002
RC                 Numeric      Home runs to right center July 2002
CTR                Numeric      Home runs to center field July 2002
LC                 Numeric      Home runs to left center July 2002
LT                 Numeric      Home runs to left field July 2002                
HWin               Numeric      Home teams wins
HLoss              Numeric      Home team losses
AWin               Numeric      Away team wins
ALoss              Numeric      Away team losses
Temp               Numeric      Gametime temperature
Cond               Text		Conditions at gametime

                                S-Sunny, MS-Mostly sunny, PS-Party Sunny

                                CL-Cloudy, MC-Mostly Cloudy, PC-Partly Cloudy

                                CR-Clear, RA-Rain, SN-Snow, LS-Light snow

                                DR-Drizzle, HA-Hazy/Fog

Wind               Numeric      Gametime wind
Dir                Numeric      Gametime wind direction
Humidity           Numeric      Gametime humidity 2003
Barometer          Numeric      Gametime barometric pressure 2009