(All archive stats back to 2002/03 season unless noted)
Week Numeric Week number
Note: Playoffs given numbers 21-24 to keep
them away from regular season games and leave
and leave room in case of any added regular season
Date Date Date of game
Game Text Game ID (away team @ home team) for sorting purposes
Offense Text Offensive team
Defense Text Defensive team
PossNo Numeric Possession number for offensive team
QTR Numeric Quarter
Obtained Text How they got the ball
BegTime Numeric Time left in quarter at beginning of drive
Endtime Numeric Time left in quarter at end of drive
TOP Numeric Drive possession time
BegDrive Numeric Yard line they began drive(32=their own 32,
68=their opponents 32)
Plays Numeric Plays in drive
YdsGain Numeric Yards gained on drive
YdsPen Numeric Penalty yards on drive( -5=5 net yards on them
5=5 net yards on opponent)
NetYds Numeric YdsGain + YdsPen
FDowns Numeric First downs on drive
LastScr Numeric Last play scrimmage line
Result Text Result of drive