NHL Spec Sheet

All archive stats back to 2005-06(since the rule change)


Name             Type        Description

Date               Date         Date of game
Time               Time         Gametime(all times Eastern)
Away               Text         Away team
Home               Text         Home team
AwayPer1           Numeric      Away team 1st period goals
AwayPer2           Numeric      Away team 2nd period goals
AwayPer3           Numeric      Away team 3rd period goals
AwayOT             Numeric      Away team overtime goals
AwaySO             Numeric      Away team shootout goals
HomePer1           Numeric      Home team 1st period goals
HomePer2           Numeric      Home team 2nd period goals
HomePer3           Numeric      Home team 3rd period goals
HomeOT             Numeric      Home team OT goals
HomeSO             Numeric      Home team shootout goals
Awayscore          Numeric      Away team score
Homescore          Numeric      Home team score
AwayEmpty          Numeric      Away empty net goals
HomeEmpty          Numeric      Home empty net goals
OT                 Logical 	True-Overtime, False-No overtime
Shootout           Logical 	True-Shooout, False-No shootout
                                 Note: Shootouts are also be listed as OT
Neutral            Logical 
Spread             Numeric      Closing 1.5 goal line(pre-lockout, 0.5 goal line)
SprMoney           Numeric      Closing 1.5 goal line moneyline
Favored            Text         Closing 1.5 goal line favorite
StMoneyH           Numeric      Closing home team moneyline
StMoneyA           Numeric      Closing away team moneyline
Total              Numeric      Closing total
Totalou            Text         Closing total odds lean(O-Over, U-Under)
Totalodds          Numeric      Closing total odds moneyline(Always -)
HomeSal            Numeric      Closing home teams Salami line
HomeSalOdd         Numeric      Closing home teams Salami odds
SalTot             Numeric      Closing Salami total
SalTotou           Text         Closing Salami total odds lean(O-Over, U-Under)
SalTotodds         Numeric      Closing Salami total odds moneyline(Always -)
HomeSalML          Numeric      Closing home teams Salami ML
AwaySalML          Numeric      Closing away teams Salami ML
Note:  The Salami is the name given to the line books put out on all the total 
goals scored by the home teams vs the visiting team.  It will only be listed in
the last game listed for each day.
Desc               Text         Description, if applicable
Playoffs           Logical 	True-Playoff game, False-Not a playoff game
HGoalF             Text         First name of home teams starting goalie
HGoalL             Text         Last name of home teams starting goalie
AGoalF             Text         First name of away teams starting goalie
HGoalL             Text         Last name of away teams starting goalie
HShots1            Numeric      Home teams 1st period shots
HShots2            Numeric      Home teams 2nd period shots
HShots3            Numeric      Home teams 3rd period shots
HShotsOT           Numeric      Home teams overtime shots
AShots1            Numeric      Away teams 1st period shots
AShots2            Numeric      Away teams 2nd period shots
AShots3            Numeric      Away teams 3rd period shots
AShotsOT           Numeric      Away teams overtime shots
HShots             Numeric      Home teams shots
AShots             Numeric      Away teams shots
OTS                Numeric      Number of overtime periods(only for playoffs)
HPPG               Numeric      Home teams power play goals
HPPA               Numeric      Home teams power play attempts
HSHG               Numeric      Home teams short-handed goals
APPG               Numeric      Away teams power play goals
APPA               Numeric      Away teams power play attempts
ASHG               Numeric      Away teams short-handed goals
Firstgoal          Text         1st goal of the game(A-Away, H-Home)
Referee1           Text         Game Referee
Referee2           Text		Game Referee
Linesman1          Text         Game Linesman
Linesman2          Text         Game Linesman